
Tips to stay tanned longer after sunbathing

Tips to stay tanned longer after sunbathing

The sun is already showing itself more and more often and you know what that means! It's time to top up your tan again! Yet we still regularly hear that people struggle to maintain their tan during or after the summer. This can have several reasons, but there is definitely something you can do about it. In this blog we give you some tips on how to maintain your tan longer after sunbathing!

1. Scrub your skin

The first tip we want to pass along may sound very strange to many. Scrubbing doesn't make sense to many people, as they are afraid they will actually scrub off the tan, but nothing could be further from the truth. Scrubbing should be done both before and after sunbathing. When going on holiday or a day at the beach, you can exfoliate beforehand so that all the dead skin cells are off your body. This will allow your skin to absorb the sun easier and better, but also after sunbathing you will make your tan look less dull. Everyone likes a different body scrub, but a popular one is the Fair & White Brightening Scrub With Argan.


2. Moisturise, moisturise and more moisturise

If nothing else, everyone knows how important it is to keep drinking when you are out in the sun. This is already a good start to keep that tan longer, but it is also important to hydrate outside the sun, and not just by drinking. Your skin also dries out when it's in the sun, which is why you should also keep your skin well moisturised for a nice tan. Choose a body lotion you like with good hydration such as the Cetaphil Moisturising Lotion or the Fair & White Body Lotion Aloe Vera.


3. Don't shower too long and use good skin oil

Believe it or not, but showering or bathing too long and too hot will cause your skin to dry out. It is therefore important not only to shower for shorter periods, but also to turn the temperature down a bit. The ideal temperature is body temperature, around 37 degrees. At the same time, make sure your skin is supple and soft with the right body oil and let your tan speak even louder. Some popular skin oils include Mamado Pure Almond Oil and Vaseline Intensive Care Cocoa Radiant Body Oil.

Vaseline Intensive Care Cocoa Radiant Body Oil 200ml

4. The right nutrition for skin and body

Not only moisturising is important, but the right vitamins and minerals are also essential for a good tan. Fruits and vegetables like carrots, tomatoes and watermelon are highly recommended to eat for a longer tan. But these kinds of vitamins are not just there to eat, but also in various skincare products. So choose the Clear Therapy Lightening Serum Carrot Oil or the Fair & White Cream Gel Exclusive Vitamin C for a longer tan.


5. Remedy extreme peeling

Shedding is one of the biggest culprits of colour loss. Still, it's part of the job and is, of course, only good for your body. Surely, there are some tricks to delay or reduce shedding. For this, we have a number of packages from the well-known brand Fair & White. These packages offer extra hydration and vitamins so you can enjoy your tan as long as possible. The three most popular sets are the Fair & White Body Clarity Expert RoutineFair & White Body Perfector Routine and the Fair & White Body Unifying Routine.


The perfect step-by-step plan to stay tanned longer can be found at A&F Cosmetics

Of course, it is and always will be a circle we suffer from every year. You get a nice tan and eventually it wears off again. Still, we hope our tips helped you to maintain your tan just a little bit longer. Do you have any questions about any of the above products? Then contact us and we will be happy to help.

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