
Get radiant and vitalized skin after spring break!

Get radiant and vitalized skin after spring break!

Did you go carnival, go away for a week or take it easy over spring break? Especially if you've gone carnival or been away, it might be wise to take care of yourself and your skin again with the right skincare. Lots of sun and lots of alcohol is often wonderful, but not always great for the quality of your skin. Fortunately, we are here for you! With 20 years of experience and over 600 skincare products, we dare say we know a thing or two about skincare. So read on and get everything you need right away!

Which skincare products should you choose?

With more than 600 products in our assortment, we can understand that you don't know exactly what to choose. Especially if you don't use skincare products very often. Every product has its own effect and skincare is of course meant for different parts of your body.

Thus, you can select your skincare products based on a body part such as your face, body or hands. In addition to the part of your body, you can also choose based on action. For example, there are skincare products for pigmentation, hydration, cleansing and more. Below, we have listed some popular products to match the body and types of functionalities.

Skincare for body

The first products we want to name are skincare products for your body. These often involve your arms, legs and torso. Often these are focused on hydration, scrubs for cleaning your skin and pigmentation. You can find more than 300 different products for the body in our webshops. Below we will name some popular products for different purposes.




Skincare for your face

Skincare for your body, you might as well use it for your face, right? Yes and no. Of course, many products for your body can also be used for your face, but the skin on your face is often more sensitive and in many cases thinner. In addition, your face is the least often covered and thus has the most to endure. For this, there are several special products such as oils, serums and protectors.

Oils and glycerines



Skincare for your hands and feet

Believe it or not, there is skincare for your hands and feet. It's not surprising, because you use your hands and feet every day and of course they often develop calluses, dry skin or maybe even damaged skin. Here too there are various types of products made to counteract and remedy this.

For your hands

For your feet

Skincare products for a good spring order here!

We hope this blog has provided some clarification for choosing the right skincare products. Of course, there are hundreds more products to choose from, but the most popular ones can be found above. Simply order today before 3 p.m. and have your skincare delivered the next day!

Would you still like us to think with you or would you like advice on your personal skin problems? Don't hesitate and give us a call or drop by our store.